Thursday, 20 May 2021

Year 5 Wellbeing with Miss McGrath

 Kia Ora Bloggers 

Today at school the 17th of May the Year 6's went to a place called Spark Arena while we got to spend the morning with Miss McGrath.

While we were doing that we talked about our well being surveys

When we had finished that we did something really fun. We made chatterboxes but we called them fortune tellers. It was really fun as we did it in steps, but I already knew how to make it by heart so I just made it myself. Anyway when we were done we got to design it so first we put the colours on it 

Then you had to choose eight numbers for the inside 

Then it is time to write your compliments inside

My compliments are, 

Try new things 🐱

Try your best ❤️

You are a great person 😆

And You are Amazing ✴️

and if you want to make a Fortune teller/ Chatterbox by yourself here are the instructions 

1. First you get your square bit of card or paper

2. Then you fold one of the corners 

3. Then you unfold it 

4. Next you fold the other corner

5. Then you unfold it again!

6. Next you put all of the corners to the middle of the paper

7. Then you flip the paper over

8. And then you do the same as step 6 fold all of the corners to the middle again ( this might be hard with card )

9. Now you turn it over and choose the colours 

10. Then you put numbers inside 

11. Next you put your compliments in each square under the numbers 

12. And your final step is pop it up 

That is all for now Bye Blog you later!!


  1. Kia orana Paige! Thank you for such a detailed blog post. I'm pleased to see that you've written some comprehensive instructions for others to follow. You were a great help to me on that morning, I knew I had an expert by my side who could support other learners - thank you for your kindness in helping people. Can you remember what else we did to focus on Hauora that day? I'm thinking of repeating the session with Y6 - do you have any suggestions for me on how to improve the activities? Keep up the positive attitude towards your learning Paige.

  2. Kia ora Paige,
    I love how you added exact instructions to make a fortune teller.How often do you make fortune tellers? I make them all the time when I get bored. maybe next time you could make a photo collage .
    Ma te wa

  3. Kia ora paige,
    I like how you showed the step as well as the photo so it is esayer to make.
    I think it looks so fun to make and i love how you decorated.
    Ma te wa

  4. Kia ora Paige, It looks like you had a lot of fun! Was it hard to make the chatterbox? Is that your first time making a chatterbox? I enjoyed reading your blog post today because you taught me how to make a chatterbox.

    Ma te wa Charlotte.


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