Friday, 1 May 2020

favourite subject in school

hello,there me again Paige do you want to here what my favourite subject is in the lock down okay so My favourite is maths because it is not to hard for me and not to easy for me so it is just right for me the other stuff we are doing is reading and writing and some bonus activities what activities do you like I am doing my writing because this is my writing


  1. I'm glad you are enjoying maths during lockdown, Paige. I'm also glad it is "just right" for you. (The way you explained that level made me think of Goldilocks!) Maybe you could tell your blog readers what you have been learning in maths or add a screenshot of your favourite maths activity. I hope your enthusiasm for maths is more catching than coronavirus and inspires some others to find some fun maths to explore!

  2. Hi Paige, it's almost as if the maths was taylor made, just for you. It's satisfying when we can do the work and it's neither too easy nor too hard. I'm very pleased you are enjoying it! What area of maths was that activity? As Mrs McLellan suggested, you may like to put a screenshot of a maths activity you have completed on your blog. It would be great to see your work.
    Keep up the fabulous effort and we will see you once school starts again.

  3. Hi Paige, I was just thinking 'that reminds me of Goldilocks' and then I saw Mrs McLellan's comment above! Great minds think alike! I am so pleased to hear that you are enjoying the maths activities that are set for you. Perhaps you could screenshot one of your favourite maths activities, or explain one in more detail, so that the readers have an idea of what kind of math you've been doing.
    Keep up the awesome enthusiasm for your work, and I'll look forward to your next blog post!

  4. Hi Paige its me Brax can you please tell us more why you like it a little bit more. that is my favourite subject good choose. why is it.

  5. Hi there Paige what a wonderful blog! My favourite subject is maths too because I am very good at it and not too bad at it. Maybe next time you could tell us a bit more about why you chose maths as your favourite subject Anyways good blog and have and have a great DAY!

  6. Hi Paige remember me hope you do but I love this blog post because I never knew your favourite subject was maths mine is too next time maybe you could give us a bit more information about the subject thanks bye

    1. I will think about doing some more detail next time thanks martin

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