Friday, 10 September 2021


 Hey bloggers during lock down I have been loving some of the activity's we have done and one of my favourite ones is math here is a favourite warm up that I did


and thats all for now 

blog ya later!

Friday, 20 August 2021

Swimming at Cameron Pools

Hey Bloggers

In Te Waka Ako we have been going to Cameron pools to do swimming lessons. 
At Cameron we work on our free style our streamline and our back strokes.
We all have different groups in my group I have Daiki, Hazel, Daniel, Marcus, Tehani, Tainui and Amara.
When we arrive we always have to wait for Manukau to finish there lesson anyway here are some photos that got taken while we were in the pool.

it was so cold but it was still fun.
hope you enjoyed blog ya later.


Matariki DLO


Matariki DLO

Kia ora!

During this week in our class we have been doing stuff for Matariki like DLO's here is mine that I made during our reading session.

DLO Link

and here is a picture just for if you don't want to go to the link.

I hope you had lots of fun looking at my Matariki DLO and I hope you got some facts out of that.
blog ya later!

Thursday, 19 August 2021

Olympic Reading Work

 Hey Guys,

Lately in school our whole senior syndicate did a Olympic DLO for reading we had to see how the Olympics have changed from the ancient games to the modern game to the present day games.

here is a link to mine 


that was some facts about Olympics in the past 

Blog ya later!Olympic Rings (1913). Olympic Rings Logo | by Natalie Chung | FGD1 The  Archive | Medium

Friday, 25 June 2021

My Spelling Work

 Hi Bloggers, 

During this week Hauraki (My class) did a cool as spelling slideshow. It was so cool because we got to play with heaps of fonts and we also got to make our own word finds. Here is a link to my slide show.  



A good way to learn your words is to get a piece of paper and on the top of the paper write a word down. My word is corresponding. You write that on the top of the paper and then you fold it over and write it again, fold it over and write it again, fold it over and write it again and you keep doing that until you paper is filled up with all your words.


Anyway I hope you enjoyed seeing what I was up to for spelling. Also I hope you try out that trick that I taught you guys. You can also do it for your math write an equation down and repeat it until you have it mastered.

Blog You Later!

Monday, 14 June 2021



Waikowhai Student Led Toolkits

Hey Bloggers!

On Friday the 11th of June The whole of Waikowhai Primary School had a STEM week.

If you are wondering STEM stands for...

S. Science

T. Technology 

E. Engineering

M. Mathematics

We decided to have our own Toolkits, and they were all really fun!

Now I will tell you about all three of the ones that I picked

My first toolkit was Google Slide Animation it was in Hauraki my classroom it was so fun we got to make our own animations. I made a Pac Man Animation here is the link to my animation

Then my second one was Google Maps and that was in Manukau that was cool because we discovered that we could go to the international space station and you could go to Mars, Pluto and even the Moon! but you could not go to the Sun or Uranus here is a screenshot of my favourite place I went to... 

Ok so the third and final toolkit that I did was Book Creator it was really fun to do because we got to make what ever book we wanted and we also got to do it about anything we wanted mine was about Pufferfish it had 4 or so facts about Pufferfish in it here it is...


The day was so fun next time I wish I could be a presenter and if I am not it is still fine because if they still have the Waikowhai Toolkits later on then I can just have fun learning more things.

Here are some photos of the day!

I loved the STEM day it was brilliant! I hope you had fun looking at what we did bye.
Blog ya later!

Thursday, 20 May 2021

Year 5 Wellbeing with Miss McGrath

 Kia Ora Bloggers 

Today at school the 17th of May the Year 6's went to a place called Spark Arena while we got to spend the morning with Miss McGrath.

While we were doing that we talked about our well being surveys

When we had finished that we did something really fun. We made chatterboxes but we called them fortune tellers. It was really fun as we did it in steps, but I already knew how to make it by heart so I just made it myself. Anyway when we were done we got to design it so first we put the colours on it 

Then you had to choose eight numbers for the inside 

Then it is time to write your compliments inside

My compliments are, 

Try new things 🐱

Try your best ❤️

You are a great person 😆

And You are Amazing ✴️

and if you want to make a Fortune teller/ Chatterbox by yourself here are the instructions 

1. First you get your square bit of card or paper

2. Then you fold one of the corners 

3. Then you unfold it 

4. Next you fold the other corner

5. Then you unfold it again!

6. Next you put all of the corners to the middle of the paper

7. Then you flip the paper over

8. And then you do the same as step 6 fold all of the corners to the middle again ( this might be hard with card )

9. Now you turn it over and choose the colours 

10. Then you put numbers inside 

11. Next you put your compliments in each square under the numbers 

12. And your final step is pop it up 

That is all for now Bye Blog you later!!

Friday, 16 April 2021

Under the Wires

 Hey bloggers it is me Paige again.

On Wednesday the 14th of April the whole of Te Waka Ako had to be under the wires for the day so what I mean by that is that well there was string or twine around the legs of the tables and chairs and well you guested it we had to be under the trenches for the WHOLE DAY! And so what the rules were was you had to stay under the strings and if you pocked your head above the strings well you got shot by a Nerf gun oh and the people with the Nerf guns were well the TEACHERS! all of my friends and me asked them if they wanted a cookie so that they would not shoot us but they said no I also asked them if I could have there gun but well they said no again.When we had got in the trenches we had to do a basic facts graph but... There were gun noises and that to distract us from our work! Why they do that I don't know any way here are some of the things we did in that day! 

We did a Picture Dictation here is mine

We also had to write a letter to our family from the trenches 

Dear Family 

It has been a really ruff day today. How are you? I am missing you here in the trenches.Also I am starting to get sick of this food! Well our food is bread crumbs and dust. I hope your OK because right now I have cuts and grazes all over me.

It is very frustrating here not being able to see you. You know your really lucky that you aren't in a pile of dirt. Also Lincoln is in the opposite trench but we can't fight each other. I have to go now! Hope to hear back from you soon


that was my letter here is my acrostic poem that we had to do 

Bored in the trenches

Army surrounding me 

Troops everywhere 

Terribale injorys

Leaking dirt walls

Early morning artillery

Sore and soaked feet

here are some photos of the day!

I hope you enjoyed my blog about under the wires please leave a comment so I know what to improve next time bye!!

Monday, 12 April 2021

Nuanua's Sea Week T-shaped literacy

 Hey Bloggers,

It is me Paige .

This week in class for reading we have been doing T-shaped literacy related to sea week. First we had to read some books and  do a venn diagram we also had to do an analysis and a PMI these are my three activitys

1. Venn Diagram

2. PMI

3. Analysis

we also had  to write a letter to the government but we didn't really give it to her but it was if we could do it what would we write in it to make a difference. Here is mine


My Letter

I hope you liked all my seaweek activity's hope I hear back from you soon bye!

Wednesday, 7 April 2021

Jonty And Choc

 Kia Ora Bloggers,

In class we have been reading a story called: Jonty And Choc by Vince Ford for teacher read. It is about two boys that are friends, one is Maori and the other is English. This story talks about how they are friends and why it is important to not judge people by there culture. In chapter 1 it also talks about how they met. In chapter 2 it talks about them moving to intermediate and how there friendship might change. In chapter 3 it talks about them finding a lump of sandy stuff and they try to find out what it is. I am not going to tell you about all the chapters though because there is 28 chapters, but at the end it talks about them having a fight because Jonty broke in to Chocs house. Any way we then did 3 activity's 1 of them was well this blog and the other two I will show you .

So first we did a personal response

and we then did a close exercise 

here are the links for both of them 

1. Personal Response

2. Close Exercise

that is all for now make sure to look at those two links above this bye!

Tuesday, 30 March 2021

Family Fun Day!!

 Family Fun Day

Hey Bloggers, It is me Paige I am a Y5 in Waikowhai Primary School. On the 19th of March on that Friday the whole of Waikowhai Primary School

had an event on called Family Fun Day. On Family Fun Day you get to do COOL activities like the bouncy castles and the bouncy obstacle course the slip n slide the wheel zone and even the CAKE SHOP!!

my two favourite activities were the slip n slide and the cake stall I got a cupcake and a cookie from the cake stall but I did quite like the wheels too for the wheels I bought my roller blades also on the bouncy obstacle course I went against three of the fastest boys and I won and I went against my Mum and The  

FASTEST TEACHER IN THE SCHOOL and the tallest too Mr.Hing-Windsor I feel sorry for him though because I won but that was only because he was sooo tall that well you guested...  it he got stuck so I went down the slide and waited for him then when he finally got out from that (which was like 30 whole minutes) he came down the slide and then we went to the smaller obstacle course  I rushed in and got to the netting and realized he wasn't in there with me! instead he had snuck out the back and he was cheering me on from the OUTSIDE OF THE OBSTACLE COURSE!! 

Well it was a really fun day but when the day was over I was exhausted from all the running!

when I got home I plopped right onto my bed and lay down there for a while then I got up to play some handball with my sister my mussels are going to ache tomorrow! I thought

Well that is it for now Blog ya later!!

Tuesday, 23 March 2021

Poetry Slam Completion-Paige H

 Hey bloggers,

Today four people in my class entered the Ako Hiko poetry slam. It is a competition where you share your poems and then people will say what place you come. This is my poem and my screencastify of me reading it!

Link To My Poem Here!

Link To Me Reading My Poem

I hope you enjoy reading and listening to my poem bye!

blog ya later!

Friday, 12 March 2021

Tsunami Emergency Pack

 Talofa lava bloggers!,

Today at school Te Waka Ako talked about what you would need in your emergency pack if you had to evacuate from your home like if there was a earthquake a big fire or even a tsunami!

* Here are some of the things we came up with...

* a Phone so you can know when the all clear has been called

 *a battery pack so that you can charge your phone 

* baby wipes so that you can take care of your babies

* food that is none perishable so that it will last very long

* water so that you can keep hydrated 

 * a water proof jacket so that you can keep warm if it rains

* entertainment like a pack of cards a book or even some travel games

* fly spray or insect repellent so that you don't get itchy

* an umbrella to keep you dry and to keep the sun off you

* torch and some batteries so that if your evacuating in the dark you can see where your going and you can change the batteries if they run out

* blankets and a pillow to keep warm and to be comfy so that you can sleep

* sunscreen so that you don't get burnt

* toilet paper I think you will know why!💩

* a radio if you don't have a phone so that you can still listen for the all clear

* medication pills so that you can stay healthy 

* a first aid kit just in case someone gets an injury

and of coarse a bag to carry all this stuff in because you can't take it all by hand the all clear would be given before you even get there!

that was our list and when you get home from work or school I would pack one just in case my mum told me to think about what I would want to pack just in case we did have to evacuate but luckily we didn't but I might do that after school anyway bye!